Secure, one-click video interpretations

Start video interpretations within Tolkify platform.

No additional software required. No additional costs.





It’s easy to get started


Book video interpretation

Easily order a qualified interpreter. Anytime, anywhere.


Best matching interpreter gets assigned automatically

Get a notification email within minutes with job’s and interpreter’s details.


Join video call

You’ll get a reminder email before the meeting starts. Join video call either from the email notification or directly from Tolkify platform.

Manage interpretations from PC or a mobile

Working in the field? Get interpretations from the comfort of your mobile device.

Tolkify mobile app
Tolkify desktop app


All information in Tolkify is kept with the highest standards in security.

All communications are encrypted.

Compliant with EU privacy regulations

All data handled according to EU laws. Geofencing and healthcare compliance on demand.

No additional hardware or software

Works straight on Tolkify platform in your browser.

No setup required.

Cost savings

No transportation costs.

No video software license costs.


Tolkify platform and all its features are free to use.

Reliable, high quality video

Crystal clear sound and video no matter where you are in the world.

We seamlessly adjust video streams and resolutions to make the best of whatever internet connection you have.

Multiple participants

In group calls Tolkify platform adjusts to network and bandwidth conditions, delivering a robust and reliable experience.

New to Tolkify?

No setup required